Yelling at cats.AVI

If you’re new on YouTube, then you may have encountered the video titled, “Some guy yells at cats”. This video maybe next to Tourettes guy, but the YouTube video has a grim secret. The video shows the cameraman yelling at three cats during the course of the video, and ends with the guy yelling, “You Fucking Bitch". ... Now; this is where the real story begins.
If you watch the video, you’ll see that the video ends with the man behind the camera chasing the cat out of the dining room and into the hallway. “Sure it’s just a funny video, no big deal” you may say, but there was another video that no one had ever seen. It was the same exact video, but it was nothing like the one you saw. There was actually a deleted video of the same deal, but the video had almost 100 views, but had 0 likes. The viewers subscribed, saying it was too horrific and one of the viewers started actually reporting it, stating it to be ‘actual’ Animal Abuse.
The video was called, “Some guy yells at some cats: Deleted video”. The video begins where it left off. But it didn’t end there this time. The video kept on, and on. The shot skipped to the black cat brushing up against the cameraman’s leg, but the man kicked the cat so hard, that it went flying across the living room.
“Don’t Fucking touch me!” the man snapped. He then puts the camera down on one of the chairs, and this was the first time you’ll see the man in the shot. He had a slender build; he was also wearing a black T-shirt with denim jeans. But his head wasn’t visible in the shot though. He picked up the TV remote and threw it at the cat that was running from him (as usual).
The next shot was that of the purple tuxedo cat in the bedroom, the man yells at the cat to jump down from the bed, but the cat refuses. The cameraman gets furious and screams from the top of his lungs at it to stop being disobedient and get the Fuck down before he slits it’s throat. The cat again refuses. He suddenly goes into what looks like a frenzy, he drops the camera with a loud scream. He dashes at the cat that was now frightened out of its mind, it too shrieks. The camera only now records the blank wall on its side as the horrific noises of what sounds like the man grabbing his belt from his pants and spanking the cat over, and over, and over, it was so horrific, you won’t even go to detail.
The next shot was that of the white fluffy cat outside eating grass. The man angrily cries out again to stop eating the grass, but the cat just looks at him and continues eating the lawn. The man then gets pissed by this and yells even louder than before, he yells at it to “stop it”! The cat just ignores him. The man then walks over to what looks like a paint ball gun laying there for some reason. He grabs it with his left hand; he again puts the camera down to where it can show you out the screen door. The man’s shoes where visible, they were dark green with pitch black soles. He fired multiple shots of paint balls at the white cat who screeches in pain. He just kept on firing.
The last shot was of the cats all together, they were beaten, bloody, and limping on broken legs. Even the black cat’s eye began twitching. The man then, pulls out a large, carving knife. The shot then goes to the black cat on the kitchen table; its legs were nailed on the wooden table. Its cries were too much for your heart to take, almost to the point where you’re going to cry, yourself. The man shouts at it to “Shut the Fuck up”, and grasps the knife again, and stabs down at its gut. The cat screams and the psycho killer again stabs it in the stomach, spewing its blood all over the wooden table. Now, you’re thinking that this wasn’t just a video; this was a video of a horrendous murder.
The homicidal maniac kept on brutally stabbing the cat in the stomach multiple times, and then stops. The cat kept screaming in pain and misery. The madman grabbed a needle and thread, he puts the camera down and it shows the crazed lunatic's back for a moment. The cat’s cries turned into muffled screams. The man had sown its mouth shut.
“Now don’t say another Fucking word…” he said angrily. Then he grabbed a dull bladed hatchet and started chopping off the limbs, bit, by bit. The man then grabbed the carving knife again, which was now soaking in blood. He carved out its entrails and the cat was trying to gasp for breath out of its mouth, but couldn’t. Then suddenly, the cat died. The man just stares at the corpse on the table, which was forming a puddle of blood.
He then wrote the words,
In the cat’s own blood on the wall. Then, the video ends with a black screen with blood red text that reads;
The video was indeed deleted for a reason. The video was under the category: Comedy. But the video was no laughing matter. The video was then edited by YouTube staff to make it look like he is just yelling at cats, instead of butchering them. They did this by splitting the two frames of the video, making it the video you see later to this day.
Still don’t believe me? Watch the video yourself.